Link List
Links to cool websites I've found over the years.
Not all of these are necessarily very obscure, but they're certainly obscure enough that I think more people should know about them.
Table of Contents
Games Image Databases Music Language Learning People Tea WikisGames
Big Ball Eats Little Ball - Simple little "big ball eats little ball" game, akin to a single-player agar.io.
CoolROM - The first site I ever used for downloading game roms all the way back in elementary school. It might not be the best site anymore, and it's not kept up to date, but I love the fact that it's still around and still has the same old internet charm.
Five Nights at Winstons - A well-made Five Nights at Freddy's fan game.
Flowers Vs. Zombies - A turn-based Plants Vs. Zombies-esque game that I found while exploring some Chinese websites. It's a fun little browser game to pass the time with. My high score is 201.
osu! - An arguably fun rhythm game that I've spent way too much time on. /affectionate
PhiCommunity - unique browser rhythm game.
Slow Roads - endless driving zen in your browser.
Vimm's Lair - A site dedicated to the preservation of video games/emulation.
Image Databases
The Ancient Graffiti Project - A database of ancient graffiti from Herculaneum and Pompeii.
The Condiment Packet Gallery - What it says on the packet. A gallery of pictures of over 1,000 unique condiment packets.
BeepBox - A simple website for making instrumental music online.
Every Noise at Once - A website showing all music genres on Spotify represented in a cloud. It makes exploring different genres and finding new music easy and fun.
Rate Your Music - A database of all kinds of music, sorted by genre and rated by the community. Poke around for a while and you will find a cool new genre, artist, album, or song.
Language Learning
AllSet Learning's Chinese Grammar Wiki - My go-to site for Chinese grammar in an easily digestible format.
DaoDeJing.org - The Dao De Jing, the most famous Daoist text, in its original form and translated to modern Chinese. This site also includes margin notes/annotations.
Omniglot - An encyclopedia of languages natural and constructed, popular and obscure.
YellowBridge - A useful site focused on Chinese learning. It includes a dictionary, flashcards, cultural notes, current-events-related vocabulary, and more.
leastfavorite - A music producer and member of webcage. Her album isomorph is one of my favorite albums of all time.
Maia Arson Crimew - A tiny kitten (aka "that one catgirl who leaked the no-fly-list").
Tom Murphy VII. - A very talented programmer (among many other things) who I look up to a lot. Honestly you could describe my general life goal as "keep up with the amount of cool fun stuff that tom7 does" and you wouldn't be far off. I found his youtube channel years ago through his 30 Weird Chess Algorithms video, and I've been a fan ever since. He also made all of the fonts I used for my logo and website, so big thanks to him for that.
West China Tea - The first site I ever ordered tea from. The site's owner also creates really good educational content about tea on his youtube channel.
AllSet Learning's Chinese Grammar Wiki - My go-to site for Chinese grammar in an easily digestible format.
Erowid - Catalog of stories and information related to psychoactive substances.
PsychonautWiki - Encyclopedia of scientifically-based information on psychoactive substances and safe drug use.